I recently completed a mid-career Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Engineering Management. I have a passion for distributed solar energy. This site houses the simulation models that I developed for my research. You can read about the simulation in this Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) 2020 conference paper abstract.
The "My Profile" video below briefly describes the professional experience outlined in my resume. | The "Prosumer Presentation" video below describes my research and results. |
My research focuses on developing innovative solar projects that assist consumers, students, developers, and policymakers. I manage this through focused design and complex data analysis. My analysis shows that completing the simulation exercise improves the understanding and options toward solar energy. This improvement is seen across all education levels.. A full explanation of the results can be found in my dissertation "Toward the Development of a Solar Prosumer Culture: Testing the Effectiveness of Simulation Models."
Try the Simulation Exercise.